The Colors of Nature project has developed a series of kits that explore the art and science of nature’s colors. The kits will be distributed to school curriculum libraries, museums, science centers, and public libraries for use in programs. We will be offering associated professional development to educators in institutions that adopt the kits. While we can only provide fully equipped kits to project partners, our lesson plans are freely available at the links below.
Science and Art Core Practices
How do art and science help us understand the world around us?
This kit is designed to help students explore the core question: how do art and science help us understand the world around us? Through a series of investigations, students will become familiar with the core practices of art and science, and develop scientific and artistic habits of mind that empower them to engage in self-directed inquiry through the generation and evaluation of ideas.
Investigation 1 Suminagashi
Investigation 2 Observational Drawing
Investigation 3 Drawing with Tools
Click here to download the PDF of Kit 1 (1MB, 24 pages)
Chemistry and Art
How does the chemistry of color help us understand the material world around us?
This kit is designed to help students explore the core question: how does the chemistry of color help us understand the material world around us? In this series of STEAM investigations, students separate pigments from natural and manufactured sources using chromatography, develop paintings by changing pigment colors with acid base reactions, and create images using photochemical reactions.
Investigation 1 Chromatography
Investigation 2 Cabbage Chemistry
Investigation 3 Cyanotypes
Click here to download the PDF of Kit 2 (3MB, 31 pages)
Biology and Art
How does color help us understand the living world around us?
This kit is designed to help students explore the core question: how does color help us understand the living world around us? In this series of STEAM investigations, students investigate adaptive coloration strategies, apply their findings to design camouflage patterns for specific habitats, explore signals beyond the visible spectrum, and create stop-motion animations to communicate about UV signals that we cannot see ourselves.
Investigation 1 Adaptive Coloration: Camouflage
Investigation 2 Adaptive Coloration: UV Signals
Investigation 3 Communicating the Invisible: Stop Motion Animation
Click here to download the PDF of Kit 3 (5MB, 20 pages)
Optics and Art
How does light help us understand the colors of the world around us?
This kit is designed to help students explore the core question: how does light help us understand the colors of the world around us? Through a series of STEAM investigations, students learn about the colors of the visible spectrum that make up white light, explore selective absorption and reflection, and experiment with structural color.
Investigation 1 White Light
Investigation 2 Reflection and Absorption
Investigation 3 Structural Color
Click here to download the PDF of Kit 4 (5MB, 30 pages)